About Xavier

7 years+ .net consulting

Free Folder 2 Msi : Generate Msi setup from a folder with this console application

I’ve made a new windows Console program to generate msi file from a folder , to create a setup easily this project is coded in C# langage uses free Nuget packages : Wixsharp / Wix, and ImageMagick to transform images to icons (if you need a program icon when generating … Continue reading

Tutorial – Easy Run dotnetcore C# Console app on Synology NAS with Docker

You want to run a C# app on your NAS ? read this! Prerequisites: – A computer with Visual studio (2019 or later) installed, – A synology NAS which can run docker  , and docker installed on it 🙂 Phase 1 : With Visual Studio, on your computer First Create … Continue reading

One click dump converter – android mifare classic <–>  linux/windows nfc- mfc classic

Converts Mifare classic tool dump to nfc mfc classic dump and conversely To use : Simply run the app : mct2dmpGui.exe then, open the input dump by clicking on “Convert” and save the converted file This app use dotnet framework 4.7.2 and you can download it in release menu : https://github.com/xavave/bm-mifare-classic/releases … Continue reading

Mifare one tool english version (NFC tool)

Update January 2020 –> new tool — > https://blog.avxt.fr/mct-mifare-classic-tool-windows-version/ MifareOne Tool (set of tools that I’ve translated from chinese) fork from https://github.com/xcicode/MifareOneTool native russian version also available in software settings I’ve translated Mifare – one tool to english and updated libnfc dll and some exe utils to x64 –> https://github.com/xavave/MifareOneTool-English/ … Continue reading

how to cross compile libfreefare examples for windows with Msys2/Mingw64

this is working good in 64bits with msys2 (mingw64 shell): mkdir libfreefare-build git clone https://github.com/nfc-tools/libfreefare.git cd libfreefare-build cmake -G “MinGW Makefiles” -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ../libfreefare -DLIBNFC_INCLUDE_DIRS=yourpath/to/libnfc/include -DLIBNFC_LIBRARIES=yourpath/to/libnfc.dll mingw32-make   and I had also to comment CmakeLists.txt, lines 41,43,44 to not force 32 bits # add_definitions(“-m32”) add_definitions(“-DNOCRYPT”) #set(CMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS -m32) #set(CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS -m32) to download, use … Continue reading

Libnfc and nfc utils binaries (cross compile mfoc.exe , cropto1_bs.exe, mfcuk.exe, nfc-mfcclassic.exe) for Windows 10

Nfc Tools sur Windows – Table des matières Introduction –> lien Comment utiliser l’ACR122U avec libusbK –> lien Mifare One Tool en anglais–> lien Comment cross-compiler les commandes NFC sur Windows 64 bits –> lien Sharp Free fare (encapsuleur libfreefare en dotnet) + mise à jour de SharpNfc –> lien libnfc … Continue reading

proxy socks via tunnel SSH avec Synology, Putty et C# .NET

Following this nice tutorial (quite old but good anyways ) : http://www.geeknewz.fr/tuto-proxy-socks-via-ssh-sur-synology-15567 Here is the same thing, but aotumatised in C#: don’t forget to replace YOUR_SYNOLOGY_DNS_OR_IP_HERE  with your synology address or DNS name and also your syno admin password instead of  YOUR_SYNOLOGY_PASSWORD_HERE you can’t slightly change code to not have to type … Continue reading