Free Folder 2 Msi : Generate Msi setup from a folder with this console application

I’ve made a new windows Console program to generate msi file from a folder , to create a setup easily

this project is coded in C# langage uses free Nuget packages : Wixsharp / Wix,
and ImageMagick to transform images to icons (if you need a program icon when generating your msi file)
and also commandline package to parse command line arguments easily


arguments :

-v, –verbose (Default: false) Set output to verbose messages.

-o, –msiFileFullPath (Default: ) Set output msi file full path. (e.g. “C:\temp\Mysoftware_Installer.msi

-p, –productname Set product name. (e.g. -p”My Software”

-i, –installpath (Default: ) Set default Installation path. (e.g. -i C:\Program Files (x86)\MyProgram)

-e, –executableName (Default: ) Set default executable file name. (e.g. -e MyExecutableFile.exe)

–ver (Default: Set software version number (e.g. -ver

-u, –upgradecode (Default: 1B119CA5-49DE-424B-8A52-622379C0369E) Set Upgrade code. (e.g. -u 1B119CA5-49DE-424B-8A52-622379C0369E)

-c, –iconfilename Set Icon file name. (e.g. -c MyExecutableFileIcon.ico)

-f, –folder Required. Set files source folder . (e.g. -f “C:\Documents\My source files to compile msi\”)

-d, –desktopshortcut (Default: true) Create Desktop shortcut. (e.g. -d true)

-s, –startafterinstall (Default: false) Start selected .exe after Install. (e.g. -s true)

-a, –installforallusers (Default: false) Install for all users. (e.g. -a false)

–help Display this help screen.

–version Display version information.

usage Example

Folder2Msi.exe -f . -v

In this example Folder2Msi.exe will try to generate a msi file from current folder (-f  .) and display log messages in console in verbose mode (-v)

Download zip version:

How to use:

  1. Download zip
  2. Extract
  3. run Folder2Msi.exe from a windows console (cmd.exe)
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About Xavier

7 years+ .net consulting

One Response to Free Folder 2 Msi : Generate Msi setup from a folder with this console application

  1. weslley says:


    First of all, thanks for this software. Works properly!

    Just two question, I my folder I have 3 .exe files and the shortcut is created automatically with the first exe and with the default name.

    1 – How can I choice the exe files which I want to create the shortcut?
    2 – How can I set a name of the shortcut different of the exe file? Example: Name of exe = Printer.exe / name of the desktop shortcut = Impressoras


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