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Free Folder 2 Msi : Generate Msi setup from a folder with this console application

I’ve made a new windows Console program to generate msi file from a folder , to create a setup easily this project is coded in C# langage uses free Nuget packages : Wixsharp / Wix, and ImageMagick to transform images to icons (if you need a program icon when generating … Continue reading

Tutorial – Easy Run dotnetcore C# Console app on Synology NAS with Docker

You want to run a C# app on your NAS ? read this! Prerequisites: – A computer with Visual studio (2019 or later) installed, – A synology NAS which can run docker  , and docker installed on it 🙂 Phase 1 : With Visual Studio, on your computer First Create … Continue reading

MCT Mifare Classic Tool – Windows version


One click dump converter – android mifare classic <–>  linux/windows nfc- mfc classic

Converts Mifare classic tool dump to nfc mfc classic dump and conversely To use : Simply run the app : mct2dmpGui.exe then, open the input dump by clicking on “Convert” and save the converted file This app use dotnet framework 4.7.2 and you can download it in release menu : https://github.com/xavave/bm-mifare-classic/releases … Continue reading

Scrabble resolver

I’ve coded a small windows software to resolve best words/scores on scrabble/wordswithfriends   free download here : https://github.com/xavave/Sharp-Scrabble-Resolver/releases

Nfc tools on Windows

les outils NFC pour windows

Mifare one tool (english)

NFC toolset windows forms app

Scrabble resolver

un petit logiciel sur windows pour trouver les meilleurs mots/scores