proxy socks via tunnel SSH avec Synology, Putty et C# .NET

Following this nice tutorial (quite old but good anyways ) : Here is the same thing, but aotumatised in C#: don’t forget to replace YOUR_SYNOLOGY_DNS_OR_IP_HERE  with your synology address or DNS name and also your syno admin password instead of  YOUR_SYNOLOGY_PASSWORD_HERE you can’t slightly change code to not have to type … Continue reading

upgrading the synology DS 107 firmware to 4.2 or more

upgrading the synology DS 107 firmware to 4.2 or more

synology DS107 latest official firmware is (and should officially remain) 3.1 ( DSM_DS107_1613.pat ) But.. you can upgrade it to 4.2 firmware! how to ? 1) connect to your diskstation web interface: (typically : http://diskstation:5000/webman/index.cgi) 2) activate TELNET/SSH in Control Panel/Network Services/Terminal 3) if you don’t have Putty (free Telnet … Continue reading